The Palouse Review is the biannual arts and academics journal of the Washington State University Honors College. We accept submissions from current and former honors students from throughout the Western Regional Honors Council. Our editors are looking for carefully crafted, evocative work that demonstrates the literary, artistic, and academic excellence of our broader honors community.

The Palouse Review, May 1st 2022 Edition

 Fiction ~ Nonfiction ~ Scholarship ~ Poetry

~ Photography and Visual Art

On behalf of the editorial team – Welcome to the May 1st, 2022 Edition of The Palouse Review!

Moments. They are captured in the things we do and the things we see. Our world provides us with an infinite array of moments for the senses. We feed our souls dessert in the form of luxurious crème brulees and breathtaking mountain views. We discover excitement in the thrill of ziplining and the pages of a book.

This issue features moments that are both personal and universal. Moments of happiness observed in everyday life blossom in the form of poetry. Analyses of moments onscreen reveal how art in film and television speaks to our present world. Images capture moments in the physical world- art created through the presence of being.

In the poem category, Tegan Keyes’ piece, “Just Past Sunrise,” explores the bliss of immersing oneself in dawn, “[stirring] into being alongside the world.” Gabrielle Shiozawa’s “March” highlights the instances of joy that emerge in times of sorrow and the importance of enjoying the little things in life. Among the featured photography/visual art pieces, Ian Wells’ “Diffusion on the Palouse” encapsulates the atmosphere of Eastern Washington, featuring a lone barn amid rolling hills and fields. Caitlyn Mlodzik’s photograph, “The Hunter,” provides a lens into the lives of our feline companions, centering around a ginger cat that is almost physical in presence.

In both the nonfiction and scholarship categories, we are provided with an analysis of various storytelling techniques used onscreen. A detailed breakdown of visual art and its effects are noted in Annabel Winningham’s “Princess Mononoke: A Contemporary Masterpiece,” which also describes how the film’s style creates emotion and depth for viewers. The dissection of a story and its characters are highlighted in Tracy Fuentes’ “The Joestar Spirit: How Protagonists of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Embody Key Traits of the Hero,” which the author connects to the traits that heroes hold.

In the fiction category, Ashley Rands underscores themes of deception and signals of danger in “Poor Boy,” which serves as a cautionary story of the age-old saying that “not everything is as it seems.”

Moments in our world are an amalgamation of various elements. They are observed through the senses and often serve as experiences of deeper sentiment. As we move forward through life, ask yourself: what moments have you experienced and what do they truly mean to you?

We thank you for reading and hope you have a wonderful summer!

All the best,

Shana Huang | The Palouse Review Fiction & Non-Fiction Editor

May 1st, 2022


The Little Old Man in the Bottle Cap Shell
by Anna Camara (Western Washington University)

Anna Camara is an undergraduate studying marine biology at Western Washington University. In her early years, Anna wrote often but has since been drawn away from creative writing by the allure of STEM. In recent years she has been able to reconnect to her passion for creative storytelling.

Us Villians

Poor Boy
by Ashley Rands (Brigham Young University)

Ashley Rands is currently a junior studying trombone performance at Brigham Young University. She plays in their jazz band, Synthesis, as well as the Philharmonic and Chamber Orchestra. Outside of music, she loves reading and hiking.

by Caitlyn Mlodzik (University of Wyoming)

Caitlyn Mlodzik is a senior English major at the University of Wyoming. She is fascinated by the everyday, the strange, and the fantastic. When she isn’t writing novels featuring LGBTQ+ and neurodivergent characters, she dabbles in photography, multi-genre projects, and books that challenge the traditional narrative.

Good Bones
by David Hofmeister (Scottsdale Community College)

David Hofmeister is a lifelong resident of the Valley of the Sun. Growing up, he often found himself in his room diving into the fictional worlds of books and movies. Eventually, he discovered he had a penchant for storytelling, and graduated to crafting his own tales. He is currently studying film editing at Scottsdale Community College and working to build roads into the industry.

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by Jessica Dofelmire (Brigham Young University)

Jessica Dofelmire is a senior majoring in Political Science with plans to attend law school next fall. She has an emphasis in legal studies but always seems to be conducting research of some kind. Her most recent projects focus on religious resentment and gendered recruitment in Utah politics. When she isn’t studying for classes or the LSAT, you can find her reading, watching movies, doing yoga, dancing, or a combination of these activities.

Princess Mononoke: A Contemporary Masterpiece
by Annabel Winningham (Lane Community College)

Annabel Winningham is a pre-medical honors student at Lane Community College in Eugene, OR. When they acquire their associates, they will be transferring to the University of Oregon to study human physiology. Although initially an art major, Annabel found that their passion lies in traditional academia. Their ultimate goal is to go to medical school, but their love for art still presents itself in their work.

portrait of an artist: art is (a series)
by London Murray-Schroer (University of Portland)

London is an English major and Fine Arts minor studying at the University of Portland. When she’s not working on her paintings or writing, she can be found at local coffee shops or walking around campus with friends.

Changing Our Nature
by Benjamin O’Brien (Brigham Young University)

Ben is studying economics and French at Brigham Young University, he plans on attending law school after graduation. Ben loves finding new ways to look at the world around him, and looks forward to using the different perspectives gained from the honors program to write about and help find answers to novel and complex questions. In his free time he enjoys running, reading, and skiing.

On Being A Girl Scout
by Fiona Martinez (Western Washington University)

London is an English major and Fine Arts minor studying at the University of Portland. When she’s not working on her paintings or writing, she can be found at local coffee shops or walking around campus with friends.

A Body is Person-Shaped
by Samantha McVeigh (Crafton Hills Community College)

Samantha McVeigh resides in San Bernardino, California. She is an undergrad student, aspiring biology teacher, and loves to cook and hike.

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The Joestar Spirit
by Tracy Fuentes (University of Nevada Las Vegas)

Tracy Fuentes is double majoring in English and Political Science with a minor in Asian Studies at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. She is also the co-founder and co-chief editor of Kindergarten Mag. She aspires to become a professor of literature, specializing in Asian American voices. When Tracy is not studying, you can find her watching movies and anime, reading manga and novels, or playing board games with friends.

An Appeal to “Our Fathers”: The Founding Myth, the Spanish-American War, and the Debate over American Imperialism
by Anthony Coombs (Weber State University)

Anthony Coombs graduated from Weber State University in Spring 2022. He double-majored in history and political science and plans on attending law school in the near future.

The Role of The Suffering of the Flesh in Exuding the Medieval Notion of Courtly Love, as Exhibited in Lancelot: Knight of the Cart, and the letters exchanged between Abelard and Heloise
by Youssef Shoukry (Irvine Valley College)

Youssef is currently a first-year student considering majoring in economics and, perhaps, pursuing a minor in creative writing. Above all else, he values the fruits of learning and academia itself, as an avenue to better improve one’s self, and gain empowerment through perceiving the world in different viewpoints offered by different subjects. While he does not consider himself an extraordinary writer, he, nevertheless, finds joy in appreciating the true beauty of expression manifested in the process of writing.

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Just Past Sunrise


by Tegan Keyes (Western Washington University)

Tegan is a junior pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies and poetizing in her spare time. She believes that the best art gives us new reasons to be in awe of the world and is dealing with the challenges of becoming a responsible adult with middling success.

by Gabrielle Shiozawa (Brigham Young University)

Gabrielle Shiozawa plans to spend her whole life bringing people together through stories. Her debut book, One Breath at a Time: Lessons on Grief and Growth, was published in August 2021. She is studying journalism and creative writing at Brigham Young University.

The Red
by Fiona Martinez (Western Washington University)

Fiona Martinez is a second-year student majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in Spanish at WWU. She enjoys writing poetry and creative nonfiction and has been playing with form, mixed media, and themes of reclaiming her cultural identity recently. Fiona is from Boise, Idaho.

Naan Bread
by Zulaikha Ali (California State University, Fresno)

Zulaikha Ali is a current psychology major in the Smittcamp Family Honors College at Fresno State. She discovered her love for poetry though her culture and Honors Poetry class where she wrote poems and received feedback on them from her peers. She hopes to be able to share her experiences through her poems and find other readers who can relate to them who might have had similar experiences in life.

For Joy Harjo
by Alison Marshal (Crafton Hills College)

Alison is currently interested in oil rigs, the silence of a look, and the pianist Bill Evans. Also wood-carvings of little animals. And apparently everything there is to know about people. As a wise professor put it, ¨[her] interests are all over the place.¨

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Photography and Visual Art

Alec Barran (Washington State University)

Alec is a freshman at Washington State University studying Computer Science. He is also a member of the Track and Cross Country programs, and spends his free time hiking, listening to music, cooking, and running, using his camera to document these exploits. He took up photography as a creative outlet two years ago and has enjoyed the opportunities to explore since then.

Jonathan Dickson (Brigham Young University)

Jonathan Dickson is a Brigham Young University (BYU) Sophomore studying Strategic Management. Jonathan has had an interest in expression through artwork but was frustrated with his efforts. To combat this, he built a machine to do the drawing for him and would design the artwork digitally. He is aiming for a career in Management Consulting and an MBA from a top university.

Dakota Erwin (Crafton Hills College)

Dakota Erwin is an architecture student at Crafton Hills College and San Bernardino Valley College. She aspires to earn her Master’s degree in Architecture while minoring in Studio Art and History.

Molly Gilbert (Saint Mary’s College of California)

Molly is a third-year student in the Integral Great Books Program at Saint Mary’s College of California. She is an avid reader of philosophy and classics, and channels her love of fantasy and the creative arts into running her own freelance digital illustration business. In addition to visual art and rigorous academia, Molly enjoy spending her time on the performing arts (namely, acting and singing), D&D, and digital content creation.

Emma Hippler (University of Portland)

Emma Hippler is a second-year college student at the University of Portland double majoring in Political Science and Spanish. She enjoys photography, sketching, and creative writing in her free time. Since her early childhood, these creative outlets have provided healthy modes of self-expression and ways of escaping reality.

Elsie Kunz (Utah State University)

Elsie is currently attending Utah State University and majoring in Human Experience Design and Interaction with a minor in art.

Huaji Liu (Mt. San Antonio College)

Huaji Liu currently studies at Mt. San Antonio College. She always has a passion for drawing and music. She is interested in so many things that she doesn’t know which one to start next.

Caitlyn Mlodzik (University of Wyoming)

Caitlyn Mlodzik is a senior English major at the University of Wyoming. She is fascinated by the everyday, the strange, and the fantastic. When she isn’t writing novels featuring LGBTQ+ and neurodivergent characters, she dabbles in photography, multi-genre projects, and books that challenge the traditional narrative.

Ian Wells (Washington State University)

Ian Wells is a Mechanical Engineering student at Washington State University. He enjoys photography, reading and writing, and drawing in his free time. With his creative endeavors, he explores the concepts of identity and absurdism. These themes were explored in his most recent series, Liminality, which can be accessed here:

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Illustration of a stalk of wheat